Wednesday, July 11, 2012

July 10, 2012

This morning I went to see my primary care doctor about setting up IV saline therapy in my local hospital. Unfortunately, she doesn't have rights there and has to send me to the next town over. Luckily, there is a bus that can take me from her office to the hospital! She also set up an appointment with a surgeon so that I can get a Port-A-Cath put in on Monday. I am really excited about that appointment because I do not have very many veins left for them to use for my saline therapy. My EDS causes my veins to be very flexible and they are very small, which makes me a tough stick and the IVs they do get do not last more then a day.

I feel so bad for my family. I always ruin there plans and they won't leave me behind and go have fun! They always tell me it is okay and it isn't my fault but I know it is my fault that they aren't having fun. I wish I wasn't there burden. They deserve to have fun! After all they have been through with me it is so unfair that they do not get to go out and have fun when they want to. Hopefully soon I will be able to take care of myself so that they will be able to do things and have fun again.

Annoyingly, I am having heart pains with palpitations and I am super dizzy today. I know it is just my POTS but I was hoping that these feelings would go away when my POTS became more normal. It is not a huge deal though, I know a ton of us POTSies have it and all of us hate it. Someday someone will find a way to stop it and whoever you are where ever you are you are awesome!

The nutritional drinks that we ordered in the hospital came in! I am so glad to have them again! Thank goodness I don't have to drink any more Orange Breeze. In each case of juice there is 32 servings. It costs $34 dollars per case and if you buy two cases then you have free shipping. It seems expensive but if you break it down it runs about $3.19 for a day of meals, which is a great deal.

At the 425 Round Rock Clinic Hematology & Oncology Services I started my IV saline therapy. I get 2 Liters over 2 to 3 hours 3 times a week. I felt so bad for Kim, she is the nurse running the infusion center. We called and harassed her so many times trying to get her to squeeze me in. Then after she did get me in, we had a problem with the weird type of saline that was ordered. After we finally got it straightened out, my doctor rewrote it for regular saline, we had a problem with the dose I was getting. After we got that one squared away, we had a problem with how often I could get it. Finally, we got it all done, but poor Kim had to deal with all of this! She is so sweet though and I am glad that she will be my nurse! Unfortunately, since I am such a hard stick they had to send sent me home with my IV in. I think I will be able to keep it clean and in my hand with out any problems! We will find out tomorrow, I am keeping my fingers crossed!

This sticker totally made me day!!! (my poor brother had to go to the minute clinic because he randomly developed pink eye this morning)
I thought that hippo sticker made my day but really this package I received from the Boogaards did! The sent me Lucky Bamboo!!! I hope it works!! Thank Y'all so much it really means a lot. I love it!
( Ha Ha I look so silly in this picture)

Forever Flexible,
Hallie Rose

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