Luckily, when I woke up this morning my back was not near as severe as it was last night! Just to be safe I decided to stay in bed and rest today.
After watching countless hours of Burn Notice, I thought it would be safe to take a shower for Matt's house. While I was rinsing off I hurt my back even worse then before! My sweet boyfriend just relaxed with me all night and I am hoping that tomorrow when I wake up I will be feeling better.
I got the results of my B12 test from my pcp. She said that even though I have been giving myself injections for the last 4 months (for the first week I got shots everyday, then for the next 3-4 weeks it was once a week and then it was once a month for three months) it has not raised my levels enough. When we started the shots my levels were 218 and now they are 280, but they are supposed to be at least 400. For the next 3 months I need to give myself the shots once a week and then get my levels rechecked. Hopefully, my levels will get more stable and I won't have to do these injections forever!
Forever Flexible,
Hallie Rose
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